What Do I Need?

Complete Sets for Colors, Rainbow and Spectrum contain 2 main components:

  1. Lesson materials
  2. Lab materials

Lesson materials are:

  1. Textbook
  2. Teacher's Guide
  3. Activity Book (Colors only)

Lab materials are:

  1. Durable Lab Equipment
  2. Renewable Lab Supplies
  3. Lab Workbook

Durable equipment are things like glassware, syringes, thermometers, compasses and the like - products that will last from one year to another or from one student to another. 

Renewable supplies will not last - they are things like matches, batteries, vials for chemical reactions, aluminum foil and the like. These items will need to be replaced from one year to another or from one student to another.

If you have more than one child that will take our program at different times, you will only need to replace the renewable supplies and the lab workbook for the younger child that uses the program in a future year. Just hold onto your textbook, teacher's guide and all the durable equipment. If you have multiple children taking the course together, just purchase an extra lab workbook (and activity book for Colors), and they can share everything else!

If you are already the owner of either Colors or Rainbow, you can save on the other programs by purchasing the "For Colors Owners" or "For Rainbow Owners" versions. These will leave out the durable equipment that you already own and save you money!

For Rainbow First Year owners who go on to purchase the Second Year of Rainbow, be sure that you select the "For Rainbow First Year Owners" version. There is a full version available - only for those families that go directly into the Second Year and don't already have the 2-year books or any durable equipment.

Thank you for taking a special interest in your child's education, and thank you for considering Eternity Science!